Respiratory Protection Selection: Quality Considerations

Posted on2022-02-22 by

Quality is important when it comes to personal respiratory protection products. Even if you meet the right fit, comfort level, safety requirements and have the appropriate certifications, if the quality of your respiratory PPE is not adequate, then it is not a product you should invest in or continue to use.

This brief guide highlights some key aspects of personal respiratory protection.


The first key consideration should be product approval. Has the product been certified by an appropriate regulatory body such as a notified body? Regulations differ in different parts of the world and you should ensure that the product is approved for use in your country.

EC-approved Category 111 PPE, such as masks, always have an EC number followed by a 4-digit number. The digits refer to the notified body that issued the PPE. Sometimes the EC number may change, but you can check whether the notified body is authorised to approve PPE by verifying that it refers to Regulation (EU) 2016/425 - Personal Protective Equipment Regulation in its listing in the European Commission's NANDO database*.

Key quality considerations when selecting personal respiratory protection products:

1. Is it from a reliable seller?

Is the product approved according to local regulatory requirements?

Is the product within its expiry date?

4. Has the product been stored properly? 5. Is the product free from damage?

For more information on how to choose respiratory protection or to speak to a specialist 3M, visit: 

Storage and time of use

Did you know there's a shelf life limit on disposable masks, like an FFP2? The shelf life (when stored under specified conditions) is three to five years from the date of manufacture of many masks disposable of 3M. What. Check the expiry date on the box to establish the shelf life of the masks in your inventory and/ or reserve. Store these products in their original packaging, away from contaminated areas, dust, sunlight, extreme temperatures, excessive humidity and harmful chemicals.

In addition, to ensure the effectiveness of this type of filter mask (FFR), they should be discarded and replaced after use if they become dirty or damaged and also if you have difficulty breathing or at the end of your shift if it is a non-reusable 'NR' device.


All wear components degrade over time. But, with proper care and maintenance, reusable masks and powered respirators (PAPRs) can last quite a while. It is important that you inspect all your respiratory protection products before each use. You should also follow all user instructions for cleaning procedures. Whether you need multi-purpose, sustainable or maintenance-free respiratory protection, we have solutions available that are easy to use, maintain and clean.

Considerations about counterfeits: making sure it's real

Do not assume that you can tell if a mask works just by looking at it or that a mask from a manufacturer you do not know can be a viable substitute. Do not put yourself or others at risk by making the mistake of thinking that fake masks look genuine and therefore work. Counterfeit masks are often manufactured by criminals trying to cheat customers. These counterfeits do not come from a global manufacturer committed to robust quality controls.

Counterfeit masks are not tested or approved in the same way as genuine masks, which have been subjected to rigorous testing to pass strict regulatory standards in order to achieve approval by these regulatory agencies. In contrast, counterfeit masks are often produced using unknown processes and materials, with unknown or nonexistent quality controls.

As a result, counterfeit masks cannot be trusted and should not be bought or used. To avoid counterfeit products, check this list of suggestions and product indications.

The best way to avoid counterfeit masks is to buy respiratory protection products from a trusted and reputable distributor authorized by the manufacturer or directly from the manufacturer. Do not rely solely on certificates from authorized dealers, which may be forged.

If you have any questions about whether the masks you have bought or are thinking of buying are genuine, our qualified respiratory specialists are here to help. If you have concerns about possible fraudulent or counterfeit activities related to 3M or products 3M, notify you using our Report a Concern options detailed in 

As regards the masks of 3M specifically, here are some tips to avoid counterfeit products:

• The masks 3M authentic shall be sold in packages 3M, with model-specific user instructions accompanying the product.

• The masks 3M must not be sold individually, in bulk (large bags or loose mask boxes) or unpacked (including user instructions).

• 3M has strict quality standards, so products that lack straps or have strange odors, blocked valves or misspelled words, etc., are likely not to be genuine face masks 3M. 

Contact us today for help with your choice of respiratory protection and any questions you may have about buying or using respiratory protection products.

It's from: 3M Spain, S.L.
