The shower eyewash and the eyewash fountain, what are they for?

Posted on2019-06-21 by

The wash your eyes or eye wash source are devices which are designed to irrigate the two eyes of a worker with plenty of water in cases where it is necessary to quickly and effectively disinfect the eyes from splashes of materials or substances which may have been introduced into them as a result of work.

This type of safety device shall be duly indicated by means of safety panels signalling, so that every worker can know at all times where he is when he needs to go in an emergency.

Given the importance of this type of devices, which can be key to preventing temporary or permanent loss of vision, they should be integrated with safety showers and located within 10 seconds of the workstation of employees who carry out work activities involving pollutants or pose a risk to their eye health.

The jet that comes out of these devices must be at a temperate temperature and not have too high a pressure to prevent it from hitting the worker's eyes and causing any kind of damage.

Source of eyewash for worker safety

One eye wash source it consists of two nozzles separated by a distance of between 15 and 20 centimetres, which are responsible for supplying the water required to wash the eyes or face of the worker by being activated by a foot or elbow actuator, thus facilitating this task which would be carried out in an emergency.

The emergency eye wash it responds to the need that workers may have in their workplace due to splashes, spills or fires, when rapid and effective intervention prevents a problem from becoming very serious.

Thanks to the eyewash, it is possible to prevent hazards and dangers in a work environment where some kind of eye hazard is carried out.

In fact, this type of system is mandatory in all workplaces where there is a risk to the eye.

It is important that all workers have all the necessary personal and collective protective equipment to ensure their safety at work.
