How to cope with heat in the workplace

Posted on2019-06-21 by

Heat can be a great enemy in the workplace, especially during the summer months and in those jobs that take place in work environments where the professional is near a heat source.

Excess of heat, under any circumstances, can lead to poor performance by the worker and even lead to an accident.

Depending on individual factors, heat will affect to a greater or lesser extent. There is also a problem of excessive heat, as in the case of the so-called heat stress, which usually occurs in outdoor work such as construction or agriculture, having some effects derived from high temperatures, such as the appearance of skin rashes, exhaustion, burns, cramps or dehydration among others.

It is highly recommended to hydrate from time to time to prevent what is known as heat stroke.

The heat stroke is one of the most common problems among people who are exposed to high temperatures and occurs when body temperature exceeds 40.6 degrees. In some cases it can be fatal, and some of its symptoms include:

  • General symptoms: Very high internal temperature, which can cause nausea, vomiting, headache, tachycardia, and rapid breathing.
  • Neurosensory symptoms: Confusion and convulsions, loss of consciousness and dilated pupils.
  • Skin symptoms: Hot, dry skin with no sweating.

Risk factors include workers who are exposed to very high temperatures or environments with high relative humidity; workers who are directly exposed to sunlight; and workers who work in premises or spaces with little or no ventilation.

To prevent the occurrence of heat-related problems work clothes in addition to following a series of recommendations such as working at hours when it is less hot or the need to stay hydrated at all times.

If there is no other choice than to work in the sun, periodic breaks should be taken so that you can be in the shade and recover before continuing the work. In addition, when they are in enclosed spaces, there must be sufficient ventilation to allow work to take place.
