The best way to protect yourself from noise

Posted on2019-06-21 by

When choosing the work clothes the different types of risks to which a person is exposed at his workplace must be taken into account, the ears being one of the main parts to be taken care of, especially where there is a high noise level.

It is often overlooked, but it is essential to have hearing protection to avoid damage to the ears in those environments with high noise levels.

Potentially hazardous noises for a worker are those that are unpleasant and usually very loud. Depending on the person you have a limit or another, but you should always have a Personal protective equipment (EPI) for the ears in the event that noise in a work environment exceeds the regulatory limits.

Noise can have very detrimental effects on health, such as occupational deafness, which causes irreversible hearing loss and also harms the worker's social and family relationships.

Depending on the time of exposure to noise, as well as by its intensity, a higher or lower level of deafness will occur, so each company must carry out a study to know the level of noise faced by its workers and thus take measures in this regard hearing protection to every professional.

Regardless of the decisions taken by the company itself, a professional must be aware of such a hazardous situation, using his equipment responsibly and informing his superiors when he finds a deficiency in this protective equipment, which must be replaced if it does not function properly.

There are different hearing protection, the most common being earplugs and earmuffs, being two elements that must be placed with a little pressure to be effective.

It is important to choose the right measurements and sizes to prevent them from falling or allowing noise to enter, and to prevent them from applying more pressure than they should.

It is important that all workers are properly equipped to prevent health problems. Noise can cause temporary or permanent partial or total deafness, as well as other related problems and diseases.
