The most suitable clothing for drivers

Posted on2019-06-21 by

In all work environments it is necessary to use clothing of work clothes appropriate to the type of work to be done. In the case of drivers, these professionals are forced to work long working hours, which can last for hours or even days, as is the case for hauliers and truck drivers.

Since the drivers should use a work clothes during their work at the controls of a vehicle, be it a truck, taxi, van, etc., the following considerations must be taken into account:

  • The work clothes the vehicle must be loose enough not to restrict the movements of the driver, bearing in mind that when driving the legs and arms are in constant motion, the first to use the different pedals of the car and the second both to change gears and to grasp the steering wheel and to perform the corresponding manoeuvres with it.
  • It is necessary to assess the distance and travel time: In the case of long journeys to another country or region, the temperature and atmospheric conditions should be checked, as this will make it necessary to choose some or other clothing for the trip work clothes.
  • Acclimatisation of the space: The vehicle in which work is carried out must be properly conditioned, both for short and long journeys, and it is not advisable for the driver to be cold or hot. If it is summer it is advisable to have air conditioning in the house, while if it is winter it should have heating. Also the garments of work clothes they should be appropriate to the time of year in which we find ourselves, choosing thin, breathable clothing if it is summer and hot and thick clothing (but not uncomfortable or annoying) if it is winter. In no case should it hinder body flexibility.
  • Firm, tight and breathable work footwear: To be used work shoes in addition to being sufficiently breathable to ensure optimum comfort.
  • Seat belt: The safety belt is a mandatory element to ensure the safety of both the driver of the vehicle and the possible occupants, and it is recommended that those who carry out a profession that involves driving for many hours use a small pad designed to be placed on it to prevent the belt from touching the worker's body, thus reducing the chances of the driver suffering injury or discomfort.

All drivers, whether professional in the transport of passengers or goods, or any other user, must have a great deal of freedom of movement and an adequate field of vision other articles in circumstances where weather conditions prevent a correct view of the road.
