Thermal clothing, the best remedy against cold temperatures

Posted on2019-06-21 by

All those who work outdoors or engage in various outdoor activities are regularly exposed to low temperatures, especially in winter, which makes it necessary to use thermal clothing, it is also recommended for professionals who work in cold facilities all year round.

The thermal clothing it has properties that make it possible for the worker's body to stay warm thanks to its own body heat, as well as preventing cold from entering from outside.

There are different materials that can be considered thermal clothing, such as neoprene, used by divers, surfers and professionals who work continuously at sea, a material that prevents water penetration and prevents hypothermia. It's very elastic and it's based on synthetic rubber.

When to wear thermal clothing?

There are many activities and circumstances that require the use of such clothing, although it is not always necessary. To withstand low temperatures it is recommended to start by dressing with several layers:

  • First layer: It is the one that touches the body, being one of the most important for optimal protection against cold. It must be of good material and breathable, and it must be synthetic so that it can dry quickly.
  • Second layer: It is the intermediate layer, having as its main function that of helping to keep the body warm, being usual the use of polar linings, which keep the heat and also dry very quickly, being two of its main characteristics.
  • Third layer: It is the outer layer and faces different climatic elements such as rain and wind, having to have waterproof and breathable characteristics.

At the time of acquisition thermal clothing the material you need must be clear, and it is advisable, in case of doubt, to ask professionals like us.

In Sekureco you will be able to find all the clothing of this type that you may need to be able to carry out your work or sporting activity with greater comfort.7

Just like the rest of the clothes of work clothes it is essential that the size chosen for them is the right one, that it is neither too big nor too small, because it must fit well enough so that this clothing fits your body in the best way thermal function.
