Why wear reflective vests?

Posted on2019-06-21 by

The reflecting vests they can have a wide variety of uses within the workplace but also in everyday life, being used by those people who go out to walk in areas near vehicle traffic routes, by those who ride bicycles in low light conditions or by those who suffer some breakdown in their vehicle and must stop in the arc, among others.

The reflecting vests they are therefore very important in accident or breakdown situations but also in many other situations and professionals.

In the professional field they are widely used by all those workers who carry out their work outdoors, warehouses or industries especially by all those who are on a work space through which vehicles or machinery circulate.

The use of this garment of work clothes it makes workers much more visible to other users, especially when driving or doing some activity on poorly lit roads.

Its use is recommended for the person's own safety, as this considerably reduces the possibility of being run over by other users who drive nearby.

Also, if it is important to wear a reflective vest it is also important to wear it properly, because otherwise it will not fulfil its function of increasing visibility and the risk of being hit will continue.

Care should always be taken that the reflective bands remain perfectly visible and that additional accessories are used to increase visibility where necessary.

The existing regulations make it clear that the reflective bands must have a minimum width of 5 centimetres and must encircle the whole piece so that they can be seen by both users approaching from the front of the user and by those doing so from behind.

The use of reflecting vests it is very widespread and can now be found in a large number of fields, being already a part of the equipment of many workers.

It has been used for years in construction and other work involving cranes and other vehicles and machinery where there is a high risk of an accident that could have fatal consequences for the worker.
