Work clothing for gardeners

Posted on2019-06-21 by

Gardening professionals, whether working in private homes or in public and urban parks and gardens, need to rely on work clothes the key is to choose appropriate clothing to minimise the risks and ensure that workers can perform their tasks in a comfortable but also safe manner.

When choosing the work clothes the most appropriate for gardeners should be considered:

  • The work clothes for this sector must have a minimum of protection since it is often worked between bushes and tree branches, which makes if you work with uniforms low strengths can be easily broken. It's common in gardening to use the diver or working monkey, although some professionals prefer to wear an apron, it is also a valid garment because it protects a large part of the body and serves both to protect the body and against dirt, just like the monkey.
  • The work clothes from a gardener it should be easy to wash and dry, especially the latter considering that when working with water regularly it is very likely to get wet when watering plants or grass. In addition, gardening is an area where staining is very common, so clothing will need to be washed frequently.
  • Different supplements should be used depending on the type of activity carried out as a professional gardener, such as:
    • Gloves: Gloves are essential for any professional, as they help them when handling plants and flowers, but also bushes, soil, fertilizers, etc. Depending on the type of task to be performed, one must choose one or other type of glove, as there are different levels of protection.
    • Protective glasses: Protective goggles depend on the work being done, for example if you are mowing bushes or grass and there is a risk of branches or stones hitting your eyes.
    • Hull or cap: This type of element is used in cases where activities such as cutting trunks or maintaining branches and fruits are carried out. Depending on the activity, it may be enough to wear a hat or need a helmet that protects against the danger of impact from the elements with which one works.
    • Other, of circular cross-section: Its use will allow the worker to perform his work more comfortably by carrying with him the tools he may need to perform his work activity.

The professional must also have a work shoes in addition to having a non-slip sole, these workers usually work on wet floors.
