Work shoes for increased protection against electrical hazards

Posted on2019-06-21 by

In certain workplaces, workers are exposed to electricity-related hazards because of their work environment.

It is important to have the Protective equipment Individual (EPIs) and a work clothes it is appropriate, but it is also important to have work shoes to be able to deal with electrical hazards and prevent them from causing a serious accident.

When choosing a work shoes the following aspects must be taken into account to address the electrical risk:

  • If you are going to do a job where electricity can cause a great risk it will be mandatory that it is turned off, since different factors such as voltage, frequency, humidity, etc. they can become a big risk for the professional.
  • If what you're looking for is the work shoes in order to insulate the worker from the electrical current, footwear must be chosen that specifically indicates this, being able to distinguish between low voltage insulating footwear and high electrical insulation footwear.
  • There is another type of shoe called conductive and antistatic that is different from the previous ones and whose main function is to try to have the current circulate through the same body to discharge into the earth.
  • If it is impossible to avoid working with electricity, tasks must be done with work shoes in addition to having other Personal protective equipment (EPIs) as safety glasses, working monkeys, gloves, helmets, etc., choosing one or the other according to the work done by each professional.
  • Driving shoes are most appropriate for those work environments where there is some other risk such as explosion. Its use causes electrical discharges to accumulate until they reach the ground without a single spark. It is necessary that the soil is also conductive for it to discharge on land.

It is very important to take into account all the risks present in a work environment in order to take all possible prevention and safety measures, starting with the work uniforms and continuing through the EPIs and of course the work shoes, an aspect which is not always given the importance it deserves.

In addition to providing protection against electrical hazards and other workplace hazards, these devices are also designed to protect workers from electrical hazards work shoes they should be as comfortable as possible.
