The diseases of the metal sector

Posted on2019-06-21 by

The metal sector is one of the areas of employment in which the greatest number of accidents at work or occupational diseases, this is particularly the case in aluminium foundries.

The risks faced by professionals in this sector are many and varied, such as: falling objects, materials or tools, cuts and punctures, blows, entrapment or crushing by machinery or equipment, burns, falls at different levels, projection of particles or materials or overwork when handling loads.

In addition, the professionals in the metal sector they can suffer occupational diseases which can be divided into ergonomic and hygienic risks.

Hygiene risks in the metal sector

Among the hygienic risks that a professional in the metal sector may face are physical agents (noise at work in boilers, foundries, stamping, forging, etc.), chemical agents (absorption of toxic substances in the form of steam, gas, aerosol or dermal) or biological agents (not common in this sector but which may be derived from exposure to water vapour or tetanus, among others).

For the proper prevention of these risks, professionals must have a Personal protective equipment (EPI) appropriate, making use of headphones or earrings of hearing protection, as well manufacture from materials of any heading, except that of the product and a work clothes in some cases the use of flame retardant clothing is necessary.

Occupational diseases in the metal sector

Among the main occupational diseases in addition to respiratory diseases, there are also diseases affecting the nervous system, cancer, skin diseases and liver and kidney diseases.

The metal industry produces more than 2.500.000 occupational diseases of a chronic nature due to inhalation of vapours, gases and fumes.

For this reason the use of protective masks appropriate. One of the most problematic diseases for many years has been silicosis, an irreversible disease caused by inhalation of silica particles.

The first symptoms appear 15 to 20 years after exposure and cause difficulty in breathing, a strong cough and a feeling of weakness.

It is therefore very important to take all prevention and safety measures necessary for the health welfare of workers.
