The risks of health professionals

Posted on2019-06-21 by

Healthcare in Spain is considered one of the best in the world because of the high qualification of its professionals and the type of public service available to all citizens.

In every health centre health professionals are exposed to a large number of risks due to the high level of germs and pathogens they have to deal with on a daily basis.

In healthcare, there are risks from different agents physical, chemical and biological.

In the case of the former, exposure to radiation can be assessed, since some professionals are forced to do dozens of radiographs daily, which can cause alterations in the body.

To protect themselves from this, healthcare workers should make use of a Personal protective equipment (EPI) appropriate, with plumbing such as aprons, neck protectors, gloves and also using glasses and other complementary elements such as blinds or screens that can be moved from one place to another.

As regards the chemical agents, these are a risk for healthcare professionals who are in charge of analysing samples taken or carrying out research, finding in these types of environments a large number of substances that can be toxic, explosive, flammable, harmful, corrosive, irritating, etc.

In this type of environment, workers should take extreme precautions to avoid skin irritation or respiratory problems from inhaling harmful substances.

These workers must have work uniforms suitable as coats, gloves and masks and safety glasses.

Finally, the other they are also a risk to health professionals, although in this case the risk factor lies almost entirely in the hospital environment, since in hospitals and medical centres patients who are in the facilities cough and sneeze, causing their viruses to be transmitted through the air.

Doctors, nurses and other staff are in constant contact with these viruses, bacteria and disease infections, which makes them need to make use of respiratory masks and another type of work clothes i would like to ask the commissioner whether he is prepared to take the necessary steps to ensure that this is not the case.
