Occupational risks and prevention in pregnancy

Posted on2019-06-21 by

The pregnancy for a couple, it is a happy moment that marks the beginning of a new phase in their lives, especially for first-time parents.

The first concerns of mothers are the changes in their bodies as well as other issues such as the development of the pregnancy and everything else that will be involved with the new baby.

Working women also need to start thinking about everything related to pregnancy and their job, whether it involves carrying out work that poses a risk to their health and that of their baby and when they will have to take maternity leave.

The company must treat the woman's pregnancy as a normal part of life and must also take into account the prevention of occupational risks to determine the nature, degree and duration of exposure of a pregnant worker to the various procedures and conditions which she is required to perform and which may adversely affect the foetus and the worker herself.

Within the Occupational risk prevention plan there is a section devoted to maternity protection.

Types of occupational risks for pregnant women

Among the risks faced by women who have a pregnancy, these may be physical (shocks, vibrations, extreme temperatures, radiation, physical or mental fatigue, etc.), chemical (workers exposed to products containing mercury, pesticides, lead...) or biological (work in polluted or dirty environments).

Occupational prevention during pregnancy

Although many women do not want to apply for disability during the pregnancy, some companies choose to relocate the worker to other jobs in order to eliminate her potential exposure to the risk, and to be able to apply other preventive measures to help control the existing risks and to reduce as much as possible any health problems for the baby or mother.

Risk exposure can also be reduced by adapting work activities and working time, providing Personal protective equipment the use of hearing protection.

When pregnant, it is very important that women do not make unnecessary efforts or any kind of action or work that may involve some kind of risk to the new life that is being conceived.
