Rights and obligations in the prevention of occupational risks

Posted on2019-06-21 by

In all areas of work, whether outside the home or in an office, the legislation in force must be meticulously adhered to prevention of occupational risks.

Although it is often thought that some occupations do not involve any kind of risk, such as office work, the reality is that you also have them, although these may be less serious than in other professions.

One occupational risk is the possibility that a worker may suffer an injury as a result of his work activity, be it a disease, pathology or injury.

Prevention measures must therefore be taken, including the use of Personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary.

The prevention of occupational risks it is essential within the working environment, taking into account that workers have both rights and obligations in this area.

These rights include ensuring that they can receive adequate and effective protection for the pursuit of their activity, which is the direct responsibility of the undertaking.

In addition, it must provide its workers Personal protective equipment in order to ensure that they are able to carry out their activities as effectively as possible, they must reduce as far as possible the risks in their working environment.

The enterprise must fully comply with the legislation in force in prevention of occupational risks, investing whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of its employees.

On the other hand, workers have different obligations, and must at all times think about their own safety and that of their colleagues. In order to do this, you must comply with the safety standards established in the workplace, using appropriate PPE and avoiding areas that have been restricted for one reason or another.

They must also follow all instructions for their work tools and machinery and notify their supervisor or supervisor of any situation or element that may cause harm or risk to their health or that of their colleagues.

It is very important that both the company and its workers strive to respect all existing safety and health regulations, seeking at all times to reduce as much as possible the possibility of an accident in the workplace.
