Occupational risks in hairdressers
Although at first it may seem that in the hairdressers there are hardly any occupational risks, the reality is that professionals working in such centres are also exposed to workplace accidents, accidents which can even be very serious.
Hairdressers use work tools that can cause cuts, such as sharp scissors of different types, or knives for those who touch their clients' beards.
One of the main measures to reduce the risk of accidents at work in this area is to check the condition of scissors and knives, which must be sharpened regularly and stored in a suitable place once they are no longer in use, as they are delicate tools. In addition, for the safety of the customer, these tools must be sterilized.
Hairdressers also use containers to mix dyes and other substances. Although they are usually made of plastic, there are cases where glass or ceramic containers are chosen, which have the risk of falling to the ground and breaking, which could cause the customer or a worker to step on it and suffer damage.
Physical injuries are also common in women hairdressers, because of the long working hours during which they have to stand, workers may experience various discomforts.
It is therefore recommended that you have a work clothes this is a very important issue work shoes this allows them to cushion their posture, thus avoiding tendonitis problems or other injuries that may result from wearing inappropriate shoes.
On the other hand hairdressers products that are toxic and can cause skin lesions are used. When performing different work such as hair dyeing or discoloration, harmful, flammable, corrosive and irritating substances are used, products that must be kept in perfect condition.
In view of these risks, it is important to use Personal protective equipment appropriate as in the case of gloves or masks, the latter are recommended when working with products which cause vaporization.
The most serious injuries caused by these products are allergic reactions, as well as respiratory diseases, dermatitis and even the development of cancer in the most serious cases.