Vibrations, an environmental hazard at work

Posted on2019-06-21 by

The vibrations are an occupational risk which is directly linked to the environment and which is due to the use of unbalanced machinery, powered hand tools, heavy vehicles or gearboxes, which can cause different problems during the long working hours many workers have to face on a daily basis.

The vibrations mechanical problems, such as that which can be suffered from the use of a pneumatic hammer or other tools, can cause joint, arm and leg problems in the high frequency vibrations, while in the case of those low frequency vibrations problems affect the worker's inner ear and reduce the worker's response time.

Although it may not seem like it, this vibration problem affects many professionals, including drivers of passenger vehicles, who often suffer from hernias, back pain, or pinched discs because of low-frequency vibrations.

In addition, those who spend long hours behind the wheel may develop neurological problems, vision problems, or brain rhythm changes.

Prevention of vibration damage

As is the case with other risks in the world of work vibrations different prevention measures must be applied, for which it is essential that the vehicles used are regularly maintained, with particular emphasis on shock absorbers and the driver's seat. If any anomaly is detected, it shall be corrected as soon as possible.

On the other hand, for vibrations the steering wheel, it is recommended that manufacture from materials of any heading, an element which must form part of the Personal protective equipment (EPI) of every worker who faces this type of risk, whether as a bus driver or using different tools such as hammers.

The use of manufacture from materials of any heading, these are recommended to prevent the worker from suffering discomfort and accidents, as well as to prevent distractions, which could be fatal in the case of a driver of a transport vehicle who is responsible for the lives of a large number of people every day when travelling from one place to another.
