Talcosis, the most common occupational disease in the chemical industry

Posted on2019-06-21 by

The Thalcosis is a lung disease caused by the absorption of talc and is considered a occupational disease it is also important to emphasize the importance attached to the chemical industry.

By making different products such as creams, perfumes, cosmetics and other products that are applied to the skin, these talc powders are produced that can become very harmful to health.

At present there is a high demand for these products, which means that there are many companies around the world which process the substances and elements necessary for their manufacture, often without proper safety measures, i.e. without their workers having access to safety equipment Personal protective equipment (EPIs) more suitable for workers in this industry.

Talcosis is the most common occupational disease in the chemical industry

The Thalcosis is directly linked to lung-like diseases, usually occurring in people who are exposed to talc dust when it is not yet mixed with other substances or with fibres from other minerals.

This disease is known as Pneumoconiosis, in addition, there are other diseases affecting the lungs caused by inhalation of dust, which causes harmful particles to reach the bronchi and lymph nodes, causing a slowly progressing disease for which there is no specific treatment.

Although it is not considered a fatal disease, it is very harmful to those workers who suffer from it, who begin to notice very annoying symptoms such as chronic cough, muscle pain, headache or difficulty breathing normally.

In addition, in the more advanced stages it can lead to hoarseness, blood sputum and weight loss. To prevent the occurrence of Thalcosis a number of measures should be taken against inhalation of talcum powder, and the use of Personal protective equipment (EPIs) such as other, not further worked than hot-rolled, which must be appropriately certified and offer maximum protection against inhalation.

In Sekureco you have many options so that you can choose the one that best suits the needs of the job. Chemical industries should also try to maintain proper ventilation and reduce exposure to dust as much as possible.
