€150.72 (no TAX)
A2B2E2K1NOCOP3 plastic filter for class 2 masks
Filter A2B2E2K1NOCOP3 for class 2 respiratory protection masks
€73.68 (no TAX)
This is filter A2B2E2K1NOCOP3. can be used with any mask class II, EN 148-1.
Multi-use combined filter with universal thread EN148-1 for organic gases and vapours with a boiling point above 65°C, inorganic gases, acid gases, sulphur dioxide (SO2), ammonia (NH3) and their organic derivatives, mercury vapours, carbon monoxide (CO), nitrous gases (NO), dusts, fumes and mists.
The filter can be used with any mask class II, EN 148-1.
Resistance to breathing
At 30 l/min: 1.7 mbar
At 95 l/min: 6.8 mbar
Particulate filtration performance - long life ” P3 R.
Type of filter Class Test flow Test aerosol Max allowed Max measured
in the case of vehicles of categories m1 and n2
P R 3 95 NaCl 0.05 Max 0.003 Other
Paraffin oil 0.05 Max 0.002
Do not use in environments where the oxygen concentration is less than 17% by volume and where gases and/or vapours other than those specified are present.
The filter is not valid for organic gases and/or vapours with a boiling point below 65oC. The filter is not valid for organic gases and/or vapours with a boiling point below 65oC. The filter can be used once with CO and NO, and up to 50 h with Hg.
Manufacture from materials of any heading
Filtering material: activated carbon, fabric for gas filtration, and pleated paper filter for dust.
Store the product between -20°C and +50°C, with a moisture content of not more than 80%.
Filters are sold in individual boxes with dimensions:100x100x100mm, and in boxes of 60 units with dimensions: 530x440x340mm
When stored in its original packaging, the filter has a shelf life of 6 years from the date of manufacture. The expiry date is marked on the filter label.
In practice filters do not have a fixed service life. It is common practice to place a filter when the user perceives the smell of gas; however, not all substances have an odor threshold to detect it before the concentration reaches dangerous levels.
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Ficha técnica Filtro combinado con rosca universal para gases orgánicos SAFETOP download