1.Datos relative the Responsible
Responsible Treatment
- CIF of the entity: B99464604
- Entity email: INFO@SEKURECO.EU
- Responsible for the treatment: ANTONIO RUIZ SANZ
- Telephone number of the Data Controller: 876 430 124
-Email address of the data controller: info@sekureco.eu
2 Purposes
In compliance with the provisions of the European Regulation 2016/679 General Data Protection and Organic Law 3/2018 on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, we inform you that, depending on the relationship you have with us, in SEKURECO HISPANIA SL we process the data you provide us for any, or all, of the following purposes: o File/history of workers and former workers of the company o Purchase/sale of goods and services.
o Purchase/sale of materials
o Control and supervision of the efficiency and quality of the entity
o Coordination of business activities
o Creation of contracts, preparation of payrolls and other related tasks
o Sending commercial information of the entity by postal mail, email or others
o Training
o Accounting, administrative, billing and collection management.
o Accounting, administrative, billing, collections and payments management
o Maintenance of the employment relationship and compensation for the work performed
o Provide them with a service
o Collection through POS
o Making a purchase through a virtual store on the website/platform.
o Completion of income tax returns and other work derived from advisory/managerial activities.
o Place orders
o Receipt of the provision of a service
o Treatment of discharges and discharges for common illness
or work accident
o Use of data derived from the company's activities
3 Term of conservation of los data
Their data they will be preserved in a time of 6 years, commercial either of other type con our entity, request its deletion, likewise the data will be stored for the time necessary to comply with the obligations legal.
4 Legitimation
Base legal for the treatment of your data lies by:
either Consent unequivocal
either Execution of a contract
either Execution of a contract
either Consent unequivocal
either Execution of a contract
either Consent unequivocal
5 Addresses
Their personal data they will be communications a third parties in the following assumptions:
either Management and administration taxation
either Banks and entities financial
either Entities of Consulting and auditing
either Entities of advertising and marketing
either IT entities of maintenance of software and hardware
either Management and advisory services
either Service of Prevention of of Risks Labor
6 Rights
You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether in SEKURECO HISPANIA SL we are trying data personal that you are concerned, either no, i did not.
Likewise, you have the right to access your personal data, as well as to request the correction of the incorrect information or, where appropriate, request removal when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for los purposes that they were collected.
In certain circumstances, you may request limitation of treatment of their data, in which case Only los we will keep for the exercise or claims advocacy.
In addition, in certain circumstances and for reasons related to your situation in particular, it may exercise the right to: opposition the processing of your data. SEKURECO SPAIN SL will leave of trying los data, except by reasons legitimate and imperious, either the exercise either the defence of possible claims.
Also, you can exercise the right a the portability of the data, so as withdraw los consents facilitated in any hold on a second, without that it affect a the licitity of the treatment based in the consent previous a his withdrawal.
Yeah you wish use of any of your rights you can make them a through of los links qualified what will you find a then:
either For exercise your right of Access click right here
either For exercise their right of Rectification make click right here
either For exercise their right of Suppression (Forgot) make click right here
either For exercise their right of Limitation of the Treatment make click right here
either For exercise their right of Opposition make click right here
either For exercise their right of Porting make click right here
Alternatively, you can also contact us by post at the following address: PLAZA BUSINESS ESTATE C/ BARI 55, ED. NAYADE - (50197) PLAZA LOGISTICS PLATFORM attached a photocopy of your ID, for certainty of your identity. Remember to provide as much information as possible about your request: Name and surname, email address you use for the account or portal that is the subject of your request.
Finally, we inform you that you can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency and other organisms public competent for any complaint derived from treatment of your data personal.
7 Policy of cookies
For know the cookies that we use in our page, remember that you can access to our Politics of Cookies a through the following link policy of cookies.