Lite-Com, PMR 446, for helmet with P3E anchor MT53H7P3E4400-EU
€822.36 (no TAX)
LiteCom Basic integrated two-way communication headset. Communication on 8 channels in the PMR band 446 MHz and 38 subchannels on each channel allowing the use of the same channel by several groups without being heard. The computer will guide you through the menu using an off electronic voice to make the necessary adjustments. When not in use, Lite-Com Basic turns off automatically to save batteries. Among its main features are: Great comfort. Soft and wide sealing airs, filled with foam and liquid. Stainless steel head harness version with individual flexibility. It provides a homogeneous and constant distribution of pressure around the earlobe for greater comfort. High attenuation earpiece with optimized acoustic design and ample interior space to increase sound quality and comfort level. The computer will guide you through the menu using an on-off electronic voice to make the adjustments you need. Easy to access control buttons. Microphone with background noise compensation for clear and reliable SNR communication of 31db Communication on 8 channels in the PMR 446 MHz band compatible with portable PMR 446 MHz communication transmitters, LiteCom Basic, LiteCom III, LiteCom Pro
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