€4.18 (no TAX)
Face Protection Screen, Easy Manual Adjustment, Max. security
Headphones and earphones, whether or not incorporating a microphone
€13.52 (no TAX)
Facial screen type anti-projection helmet, with roulette adjustment and possibility to replace the screen.
Description of
The facial screens 1100 0031 are signed by a headlamp, a yellow cap, and a wire screen.
The head grip consists of 2 side joints that allow the cap-screen assembly to rotate with the possibility of adjusting it by means of a screw/nuts system. The fit around the head is achieved by means of a pinion/zipper assembly.
The stainless steel wire screen can also be fixed.
This product does not support returns or cancellations during the COVID-19 period.
Area and limits of use
The two facial screens have no particular use. They are designed, moreover, to withstand an impact similar to that of a ball of 8.86 grams at a speed equivalent to 45m/s (symbol ‘F’).
The screen has no particular filtering action.
Screen size
8” x 15 – 1⁄2, 1.0mm of a thickness
Reference of verified prescriptions and test report
This certificate has been issued in accordance with the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex II to Directive 89/686/EEC applicable to PPE of that category and the specifications of European standard EN 1731 ‘Protection of the eyes and face, whether or not for industrial use, for protection against mechanical hazards and/or heat .
The results are recorded in the examination report I’INRS 95YE 11611
L’ INSTITUT NATIONAL DE RESEARCH ET DE SECURITE, established by the laws of the Ministries of Labour and Agriculture of 11 August 1992.
Identified under number 0070, gives EC type-certification number 0070-347-085-04-00-0047
Reference 11000031, complies with applicable EU harmonisation legislation: European Regulation EU 2016/425, is identical to PPE previously placed on the market and EU type-certificate No CE 711758, issued by BSI Group The Netherlands B.V. is located at John M. Keynesplein 9, 1066 EP, Amsterdam, Netherlands, notified body No 2797 and has undergone the established assessment procedure and complies with the requirements of EN 166:2001, EN1731:2006 'Personal Eye Protectors-Specification', CAT II, based on Regulation (EU) 2016/425.
Ficha técnica Casco Pantalla de Protección Abatible Ajustable Manualmente con la normativa EN 166/EN 1731 COFAN 11000031 download
Declaración de Conformidad Casco Pantalla de Protección Abatible Ajustable Manualmente con la normativa EN 166/EN 1731 COFAN 11000031 download