€46.40 (no TAX)
Tape certified as a SAFETOP lanyard and mountaineering element
20mm wide tape. 60 cm Polyester, 22 Kn. EN354, EN566
€4.13 (no TAX)
Certified model for mooring and mountaineering. The material is polyester.
- PEP of category III
- Manufacture from materials of any heading
- Width: 20 mm
- Static resistance: 22 kn
- Length: 15 cm
- The total length of the subsistence cord including an energy absorber must not exceed 2 metres
- The breaking strength of the fibres is at least 0,6N/Tex
- Rope available in 30 cm (Ref 80321) and in 60 cm (Ref 80322)
Polyester rope
Valid for use with energy absorber as safety belt (EN354) or as mountaineering and climbing equipment (EN566).
- IN354 (Elements of mooring)
- IN566 (Mountaineering and climbing teams)
Reviews: The equipment must be reviewed every 12 months by an authorised person or by the manufacturer. Inspections shall be recorded on the review sheet attached to the PPE together with the instruction manual.
The maximum lifetime is 5 years from the date of first use, unless the equipment is defective or has already been used to stop a fall, in which case it must be discarded immediately.
Cleaning: clean with soap and water not above 30oC. Don't dry in the heat.
Safetop is an innovative company specialising in personal protective equipment with international business activity. Their approach is to distinguish themselves and offer an added value that leaves its mark on the products and services they offer, innovating and developing solutions to the new challenges posed by achieving a working environment with a level of protection, comfort and personal safety that meets today's social requirements.

Ficha Técnica Ficha Técnica Cinta certificada como elemento de amarre y alpinismo SAFETOP download