€18.25 (no TAX)
Polyester Replacement Protective Films for FAHRENHEIT Safety Glasses 71360-00016M 3M
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product 3M
Price per one
For your information, the amount per box is 10 u.s.
€0.97 (no TAX)
Manufacture in which all the materials used are classified within a heading other than that of the product 3M. What. Protective films 3MTM FahrenheitTM are our transparent polyester replacement strips for the T-N-Wear 71360-00013 safety glasses.
Protect the lenses of your glasses from contaminants and scratches with protective films 3MIt's called Fahrenheit. Our spare strips are easy to remove and replace, to protect your lenses from damage. They're compatible with safety glasses 3MI'm not going to tell you.Confirm in advance with Sekureco.eu date of supply approx.
- Eye protection
- Panoramic glasses
- The Fahrenheit series
- Polyester film for FAHRENHEIT x10
- Box of: 10 films.
- Parts and accessories of machinery
- Easy to remove and replace
- Protect lenses from contaminants and scratches
- Of a kind used on motor vehicles 3MI'm not going anywhere
3M is a worldwide scientific enterprise with an unstoppable capacity for innovation. 3M has an integrated team of scientists and researchers who use 46 technology platforms to work with customers and keep innovating. Their innovation has improved the quality of life for hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Ficha Técnica Ficha técnica Películas protectoras de repuesto de poliéster para gafas de seguridad FAHRENHEIT 71360-00016M 3M download