€1,047.00 (no TAX)
BW Flex LEL/O2/H2S/CO 4-Gas Portable Multigas Detector
Portable H2S- CO- O2- LEL gas detector with the possibility of real-time gas reading on the screen (4 gases).
€917.67 (no TAX)
For the purposes of this Regulation, the following definitions shall apply:. Whether it protects workers or emergency services, in sectors ranging from steel and wastewater to paper and pulp, Honeywell BWTM Flex gives you the flexibility you need. Choose from over 15 sensors to detect up to 4 gas hazards at once.
Honeywell BWTM Flex features a large high-resolution display with readings available in a wide range of languages. Vital safety information is transmitted clearly and effectively, enabling faster decision-making to protect lives in hazardous environments. Its innovative design, compact size and ease of use build on the legacy of gas detection products Honeywell BYTM.
Honeywell BWTM Flex incorporates i-Series intelligent sensors that monitor and provide advanced predictive calibration, maintenance and end-of-life information in real time.
These advanced alerts help to reduce the likelihood of failures and raise awareness so that preventive measures can be taken to avoid security incidents and unexpected downtime.
Honeywell BWTM Flex can be easily paired with a smartphone via Bluetooth®. Download the Device Configurer app from Honeywell Safety Suite for fast and accurate device management, maintenance, reporting and analysis. Increase productivity by simplifying tasks such as incident logging and save time by downloading all instrument data with a single click.
RELIABLE: two months battery life on a 4.5 hour charge with our new low power IR LEL sensor. No daily load, no unexpected downtime
COMPATIBLE: Honeywell BWTM Flex Series is compatible with the IntelliDoX instrument management system and Honeywell Safety Suite by Bluetooth® for wireless configuration
Exact: the low-power infrared LEL sensor is immune to silicon poisoning, which means precise fuel control.
EASY TO MANAGE: The green IntelliFlashTM light indicates when the detector is in compliance and the amber light indicates the need for maintenance.
RESPONSIBLE: The sensors of the 1 series respond to hazardous gas levels within seconds, even in extreme temperatures.
EASY TO USE: small, light and portable. One button operation.
It allows you to easily communicate with Motorola MOTOTRBO
Portable detector designed to prevent hazards from the most common hazardous gases in work environments: Fuel gases (LEL), oxygen (O2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO), methane gas (NDIR-CH4).
Alarm: audible- visual- vibrating
Sensor range: O2 (0 to 30)%volFor the determination of the emission limit values, BAT is to use the techniques given below
The minimum temperature is -40 degrees Celsius
Maximum temperature is 60 degrees Celsius
Humidity range: 0%-95% of relative humidity
Battery life: 40 days @ 8 hours of use per day with IR LEL 15 hours with Catalytic LEL (with NDIR CH4 sensor)
Data recording: 45 days of data at 15 second intervals, 8 hours/day
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
BW Technologies understands your commitment to safety. That is why it offers you a wide range of advanced gas detection systems and devices that provide exceptional protection at all levels. But its products also include the best assistance and training in the sector.

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