Multi-standard workwear PORTWEST
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Offering multi-protection against a range of hazards, this bag successfully combines robustness, comfort and functionality. Polyester content in t
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Ideal para trabajadores expuestos al calor en sus ambientes de trabajo. La prenda incluye detalles como manga ranglan, cuello redondo y puños y cuello ribeteado
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Este buzo super-ligero está diseñado para proteger contra una amplia variedad de insectos. La fórmula repelente de insectos está fuertemente ligada a las fibras
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Este forro aislante resistente a la llama se puede usar con la mayoría de los cascos. Cuatro tiras con cierre autoadherente atan la capucha al casco para un aju
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The Bizflame Pro jacket provides exceptional comfort and protection. Its functional features include a chest pocket with an oc section
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Protection against contact, convective and radiant heat. Super soft due to the garment washing treatment. Flexi-fit for greater freedom of movement
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Este mono es perfecto para las exigencias de la industria de alta mar. Fabricado con un tejido ignífugo muy innovador con cinta reflectante de alta visibilidad
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Este buzo ignífugo para invierno es perfecto para la industria offshore. Realizado con el mismo tejido exterior que el FR50 y combinado con una capa aislante añ
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Modern work jacket that feels as good as it looks with innovative design details such as elastic panels that provide excellent comfort and
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This multi-standard bib is made with the same highly innovative fabric as the FR60. This comfortable garment offers protection against multiple risks
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With a more formal look, this lightweight long-sleeve shirt protects against heat, flame, anti-static, and light chemical hazards. The front closure
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With an innovative design, this modern, flame-resistant, two-tone, high-visibility jacket is both stylish and practical.
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With an innovative design, this modern, high-visibility, flame-resistant two-color jacket is both stylish and practical.
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This lightweight shirt offers guaranteed flame resistance for the life of the garment. Ideal for situations where extra visibility is required, l
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Este buzo es perfecto para las necesidades de los días de mucho calor en la industria offshore. Confeccionado con una sarga ignífuga más ligera altamente innova
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Este buzo es ideal para uso multi-riesgo ofreciendo máxima protección contra toda una serie de peligros. Certificado según normativa RIS y EN ISO 20471, este ar
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Este mono es perfecto para las exigencias de la industria de alta mar. Fabricado con un tejido ignífugo muy innovador con cinta reflectante de alta visibilidad
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This waterproof and breathable parka offers protection in multi-hazard environments. Detachable flame retardant fleece lining offers additional warmth in harsh conditions
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Buzo Premium que combina protección de alta visibilidad, resistencia a la llama, resistencia química, antiestática, impermeable y transpirable. Diseñado especia
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Pantalones multi-protección forrados, impermeables y transpirables que ofrecen protección contra múltiples riesgos. La cintura, totalmente elástica maximiza la
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Delantal de cuero, de calidad Premium, para soldadura. Fabricado de cuero serraje vacuno cosido totalmente con puntadas de Para-aramida. El delantal protege el
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The orange color, according to EN ISO 20471, paired with the silver, flame-resistant tape on the shoulders, torso, arms and legs, offer superior enhanced visibility.
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The Bizweld hooded diver represents an option with built-in head protection along with other details such as knee pockets and pocket
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The Bizweld Classic coverall offers visible protection to the user. Clever design features include fire-retardant reflective shoulder tape
Showing 49-72 of 139 item(s)