Tape to prevent suspension trauma with SAFETOP connector
Anti trauma support tape with connector
€8.66 (no TAX)
Characteristics Anti-trauma tape for any harness Safetop. What. Specially designed to mitigate the effects of the wearer's orthostatic intolerance when working with a suspended harness. Easy to use, it is the ideal accessory to prevent suspension trauma in short periods of use. Adjusting buckle working length: 120 cm. It's not a PPE. It must be worn in conjunction with a harness. For individual use.
- Length: 120 cm
- Compatibility: Harnesses Safetop
- Package size: 1
Designed for use in conjunction with harnesses Safetop®, to mitigate the effects of orthostatic intolerance of the user when working with a suspended harness.
The anti-trauma belt makes it easy to wait until help arrives in case of activation of the fall arrest system on the user's safety harness. Attached to a harness, it allows you to transfer the weight over the leg, avoiding during the suspension phase the so-called "harness syndrome": venous congestion that could later lead to circulatory collapse and cause the accident victim's death.

Ficha Técnica Ficha Técnica Cinta para evitar traumatismos por suspensión con conector SAFETOP download