€49.03 (no TAX)
3m tape retractable with ROLLER-X swivel connectors
ROLLER-X, 3m tape retractable with swivel connectors
€154.74 (no TAX)
Tape retractor of 3 m
- Aluminium spinning hook
- Manufacture from materials of any heading
- Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel
- Two-stroke internal shock system
- Maximum working length 3 m.
Two-stroke internal shock system.
- Capacity of 100 kg
- Static force of 12 KN with 3min
- Materials: ABS and aluminum musket
Safetop It is an innovative company specialising in personal protective equipment with international commercial activity. Their approach is to distinguish themselves and offer an added value that leaves its mark on the products and services they offer, innovating and developing solutions to the new challenges posed by achieving a working environment with a level of protection, comfort and personal safety that meets today's social requirements.

Ficha técnica Cinta anticaída retráctil de 3m con conectores giratorios ROLLER X SAFETOP download

Declaración de Conformidad Cinta anticaída retráctil de 3m con conectores giratorios ROLLER X SAFETOP download