SAFETOP Extra Resistant Cutfiber Tape Retractable 15 m Kompakt Plus
Vertical retractable tape 15 m KOMPAKT PLUS without extra resistant absorber. It has a lower carabiner for connecting to the harness and is rotatable
€487.64 (no TAX)
Extra tough Cutfibra tape retractor 15 m, with absorber. Extra light, thanks to the hardened plastic case material. Attachment via a musket at the top (not included).
- The lower harness connecting musket is rotating, to prevent torsion and excessive strain on the belt (resistance 23 Kn and aperture 19 mm, included)
- The tape is made of 100% polyethylene, a type of fibre that offers maximum strength combined with minimum weight
- It is up to 15 times stronger than fine steel and up to 40% stronger than aramid fibres (load breakage 2000 kg)
- The connecting link to the musket is protected with a thermal seal
- Includes a shock absorber in case of fall
- Includes handle for easy transport and placement
- In the case of vehicles of categories N1 and N2, this requirement shall not apply.
- Material of the tape: Cutfibre
- Size: 630x220x70 mm
- Breaking strength: 20 kn
- Maximum load is 140 kg.
Materials |
Other |
Kind of |
IN362 Class T |
Opening |
19 mm |
Dimensions |
174x22 mm |
Resistance |
23 Kn |
356 g
I'm good for vertical work. It is used in construction work in general, hydrocarbon production, maintenance, telecommunications and confined spaces where worker mobility and fall protection are necessary.
IN360 (Retractable devices)
IN362 (musket rings)
1 ud
Safetop is an innovative company specialising in personal protective equipment with international business activity. Their approach is to distinguish themselves and offer an added value that leaves its mark on the products and services they offer, innovating and developing solutions to the new challenges posed by achieving a working environment with a level of protection, comfort and personal safety that meets today's social requirements.

Ficha Técnica Ficha Técnica Retráctil de cinta de Cutfibra extra resistente SAFETOP de 15 m Kompakt Plus download

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