€36.42 (no TAX)
Retractable cable Irudek Sekurblok SE
Retractable antiquates with cable. This device stands out for its simplicity in use, avoiding the need for specific knowledge. It has mechanical braking, getting a fast and safe braking. In case of fall, the device reduces the impact force below 6kN.
€470.61 (no TAX)
Vertical use certification device with capacity for 140Kg and horizontal use against the risk of living edge according to RFU/VG 11.060 (max. 100Kg) and work in factor 2.
It has a top swivel ring to avoid entanglements and 20mm opening swivel hook.
Simple operation, the device provides the user with the necessary meters for their work while always in tension, avoiding any fall.
They are equipped with Irucheck NFC chip for effective equipment management and inspection.

Ficha técnica Anticaídas Irudek Sekurblok SE download

Declaración de Conformidad Anticaídas Irudek Sekurblok SE download