VALENTO Transit thermo-adhesive retroreflective tape. High visibility tape for work clothes
Roll of retroreflective tape with adhesive base, suitable for application to clothing and thus increasing the user's visibility. Available in full rolls of (5cm x 100m). High visibility tape for work clothes
€74.91 (no TAX)
For greater visibility and identification of clothing and uniforms, this retro-reflective tape is designed with special materials that adhere easily, thanks to the adhesive base of polyurethane.
The thermoadhesive application technique makes it possible to adhere with strength and greater ease to various types of clothing. High visibility tape for workwear.
- Available in retroreflective silver grey
- Application by thermal transfer with industrial iron (150 °C / 15 s / 3 kg/cm2)
- Applies without changing the texture, elasticity or shape of the garment
- For sale in whole rolls of (5 cm x 100 m)
- Micro sphere retro-reflection system
- For use in safety clothing
- In clothing for teamwork
- Public service uniforms, emergency
- Especially for road or transit control operations
Of a thickness not exceeding 6 mm

VALENTO is your leading brand in the clothing industry for all types of work fields. With a wide range of offerings, it focuses on the promotional, labour, sports, school, corporate and casual markets; with clothing of the highest quality standard, and adapted to worker protection systems. VALENTO is present in all European countries and uses improvement processes in its products with environmental values.

Ficha Técnica Aplicación por termotransferencia con plancha industrial (150ºC / 15 s / 3 kg/cm2). download