€127.40 (no TAX)
Extendable square metal fence 130X103X85 cm SEKURECO
Extendable square metal fence 130X103X85 cm SEKURECO
Folding, baked lacquered in red and white
€153.40 (no TAX)
Extendable square metal fence 130X103X85 cm SEKURECO Folding, oven lacquered in red and white. Folded: 150 x 150 x 1150 mm . Opened: 1300 x 1030 x 850 mm high.
It is a portable barrier used to delimit areas or to control the flow of people or vehicles. It consists of plastic panels that can be stretched and contracted to fit different lengths and can be joined together to create a continuous barrier. This type of fence is commonly used at outdoor events, buildings and other places where a temporary barrier is needed.
Baked in red and white.
This type of fence is commonly used at outdoor events, buildings and other places where a temporary barrier is needed.
They're occupational safety experts! We are a young and recently created company that emerged in 2016 thanks to the passion of several technicians specialized in prevention and occupational safety. Sekureco it offers a range of more than 10 000 specialist occupational protection products, available to businesses and individuals, of the best brands and at the most competitive prices on the market.