€4.03 (no TAX)
4-point chinstrap for SAFETOP safety helmets
Chin strap 4 fixation points with chin strap.
€8.29 (no TAX)
4-point chin strap with chinstrap. Valid for SP, SR and SV (80610, 80520, 80620)
- 4-point chin strap Valid for SP, SR and SV series.
- We supply two models: one with two attachment points with chin tie-down and a four-point one with low-mandibular tie-down.
- It is used with any helmet model that has anchors for it.
- All Safetop helmets (SR, SP and SV Series) have a 2 or 4 point anchor, so they are valid for all models.
- The reference 137017 (2 points) is also valid for attaching to the AR-Evo Series helmet.
Fastening systems with support on the chin or neck, depending on the model, to prevent the helmet from falling during the work period.
They provide stability and safety in the equipment and especially when working at height prevents us from running out of protection.
- Working at heights
- Construction
- Mining, etc.
1 unit (minimum sale quantity) - Box of 24 units
Safetop is an innovative company specialized in personal protective equipment and with international commercial activity. Their focus is to distinguish themselves and offer added value that leaves their mark on the products and services they offer, innovating and developing solutions to the new challenges posed by achieving a work environment with levels of protection, comfort and personal safety at the height of current social demands.
Ficha Técnica Ficha Técnica Barbuquejo 4 puntos para cascos seguridad SAFETOP download