€370.79 (no TAX)
65mm opening hook for SAFETOP telescopic pole
65mm opening hook for DT200 pole
€325.13 (no TAX)
Hook for telescopic handle with 65 mm aperture.
- For telescopic handle, to place at the end of the latch.
- It is operated from below by means of ropes and is used to place connectors with lifelines at high points
- manufactured from steel
- 65 mm aperture
- Weight: 0,75 kg
To attach to the end of the barrel.
EN 795 Class B (transported anchorages)
Reviews: The equipment must be reviewed every 12 months by an authorised person or by the manufacturer. Inspections shall be recorded on the review sheet attached to the PPE together with the instruction manual. The maximum shelf life is 5 years from the date of first use.
Safetop is an innovative company specialising in personal protective equipment with international business activity. Their approach is to distinguish themselves and offer an added value that leaves its mark on the products and services they offer, innovating and developing solutions to the new challenges posed by achieving a working environment with a level of protection, comfort and personal safety that meets today's social requirements.

Ficha Técnica Ficha Técnica Gancho de apertura 65mm para pértiga telescópica SAFETOP download

Declaración de Conformidad Está en conformidad con las previsiones de la Directiva 89/686/CEE, y en armonía con los Standard según se indica download