€47.46 (no TAX)
Anti-fall element flexible lifeline diameter 14mm EN353-2 AC012
AC012 Anti-fall element flexible lifeline diameter 14mm EN353-2
€57.15 (no TAX)
Flexible life-line slip-resistant element made of galvanized steel to be mounted on a 14 mm polyamide rope. Valid for one person. You can attach the harness directly. THIS REGULATION SHALL BE BINDING IN ITS ENTIRETY AND DIRECTLY APPLICABLE IN ALL MEMBER STATES.
The work at height are, by definition, all those which are performed above the level of the surface at a distance at which there is a notable danger of falling, being considered as such all heights above two metres. All these work environments require the use of anti-fall systems, which are composed of different elements, there being different options available on the market and all of them being available in Sekureco. What. One of these elements is the anchorage lines, better known as lifelines, which is a form of continuous anchoring in which the worker connects his rope or mooring system and, depending on the line, can move vertically or horizontally, his movements being followed by an anti-fall device that is connected to the lifeline. In the event of a fall, the lifeline is responsible for resisting the force derived from the impact and also protects both the worker and the anchorage supports themselves. In these lifelines different components must be used such as the Flexible lifeline with a diameter of 14 mm.
The Flexible lifeline with a diameter of 14 mm is made of galvanized steel and is prepared to be placed on a 14 mm diameter polyamide rope. It is valid for use by one person and can be attached to the harness directly.
It should be noted that accidents caused by falling from different heights account for almost a quarter of the accidents considered serious in the working environment. The most frequently performed work at height is on roofs or scaffolding, work on stairs, lifting platforms, vertical work and complicated accesses where ropes are used. The risk of falls is present in all of them and it is essential that all professionals have at their disposal all the necessary equipment to ensure that they can carry out their respective work activities with the guarantee that, in the event of a fall, their integrity is not endangered and they can be suspended until they receive help.