Warning or danger signs Sekureco
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Fire alarm with UV ink Side 90 mm (pack of 10)
Text and pictogram
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
In the case of vehicles of categories M1 and N2 with a maximum mass exceeding 2000 kg:
With UV inks
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Signal of undetermined risk with UV inks Side 90 mm (pack of 10 units)
Pictogram only
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
This is a pictogram sign! Risk of getting caught with 90mm UV inks. It is triangular in shape and easy to install on surfaces and machinery.
Manufacture from materials of any heading, except that of the product
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Warning sign! Dangerous hand cuts Side 90 mm (pack of 10)
Pictogram only
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Triangular sign Dangerous noise Side 90 mm (Pack of 10) SEKURECO. The poster consists of a bold pictogram on a yellow layer
EN ISO 7010 Standard
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Warning sign! Low side temperature 90 mm (pack of 10).
Text and pictogram
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Industrial sign "Attention high temperature side 90 mm
Pictogram only (yellow cover)
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Hazardous signal. Particulate projection with UV ink.
90mm side.
10 units included in the price.
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
In the case of vehicles of categories M1 and N2 with a maximum mass exceeding 2000 kg:
Pictogram only
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Yellow panel with Catalan text Precaució Terra Mullat 620mm high
With pictogram referring to the warning message
This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
WARNING! PASS FROM CARRETONS' sign in UV ink (Warning, bypasses are allowed).
Dimensions: 210 by 300 mm
Manufacture from materials of any heading
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
WARNING! charging is suspended" sign on UV inks. (Attention loads in suspension)
Dimensions: 210 by 300 mm
Manufacture from materials of any heading
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Warning sign Luminescent wet column SEKURECO
ISO 9001 quality
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Extinction sign "Without Out" pictogram and high-light text 210x300mm Sekureco
This signal is manufactured with ISO 9001 certified quality management system.
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Sign "No use in case of emergency - No Departure" high-light pictogram SEKURECO.
This signal is manufactured with ISO 9001 certified quality management system
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Signing with UV inks in Catalan "PERILL D' INCENDI" SEKURECO Text and pictogramStandard EN ISO 7010
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Signing with UV inks in Catalan "PERILL D' INCENDI" SEKURECOText and pictogramStandard EN ISO 7010
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Industrial signal in Catlán "RISC DE CORROSIÓ", with SEKURECO UV inks. The poster consists of text and pictogram and its inks are of great resistance to the weatherStandard EN ISO 7010
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Electrical risk signal in Catalan "RISC ELÈCTRIC" text and pictogram SEKURECO. Suitable to indicate danger by electric shock.The pictogram is black with the background in rectangular yellow
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Sign in Catalan "ATENCIÓ! POSSIBLE D'OBJECTES" (UV) SEKURECO.Text and pictogramStandard EN ISO 7010
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Sign in Catalan "PERILL D' ATRAPAMENT", with UV inks SEKURECO.No photoluminescent.Standard EN-ISO 7010.
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Signal in Catalan with UV inks "ATHANCE! RISC D'ENSOPEGAR" SEKURECOFlexible laminated polyester hazard signalsEasy to install.No photoluminescent.Standard EN-ISO 7010.
(TAX incl.)
(no TAX)
Signal in Catalan of "ATENCIÓ! A DIFERENT NIVELL" with UV inks SEKURECO
Showing 73-96 of 98 item(s)